Thurs – Fri: mostly sunny, moderate temps, lovely (high confidence).
Moderate temps. Sunniest at Thompson Pass. Warm in sun with sun effect. Moderate winds for Seward, the Thompson Pass road corridor, and the Anchorage Front Range; light ridgetop winds elsewhere. Good days to get powder fever.
Weekend: warm, snowy, windy (high confidence).
Moderate/heavy snowfall for Hatcher decreasing as you go towards Turnagain; moderate snow for Thompson Pass; rain at sea level. Clearing first at Turny and last at Hatcher.
Early Next Week: moderate temps, some sun/clouds/snow (low confidence).
Monday partly sunny. Tues/Wed snow possible for the Prince William Sound mountains and drier inland with winds for the Anchorage Front Rage, Seward, and the Thompson Pass road corridor. Warm in sun with sun effect.

You got the outlook right for the weekend. It was glorious weather.